The average temperature in Brisbane, Australia varies from -21C to 29DegF. The cool season lasts about 2.8 months and is milder than the hot season. In January, Brisbane is muggier than in July, with 19.2 muggy days. The coldest month is July, with an average low temperature of 49degF and a high temperature of 68degF. The figure below shows the average temperature in Brisbane and its relative humidity throughout the year.

Brisbane’s climate is moderately warm with variable day length. The shortest day in Brisbane occurs on June 21, with only 10 hours and 24 minutes of daylight, and the longest day is December 22, with 13 hours and 53 minutes of daylight. There is a black line on the calendar that shows the visibility of the sun, while yellow to gray bands indicate full day, twilight, or night. Typical weather in Brisbane can be derived from hourly weather reports.

The hottest month in Brisbane is January, when temperatures average 31 degF. In February, rainy days are the most common, with the smallest number of clear days. This month also has the highest average temperature. The felt air temperature, which measures how much moisture is in the air, is 31 degF. However, January is the wettest month, with an average minimum temperature of 76degF.

The wettest month in Brisbane was January, when it was over 465 millimetres of rain fell in a single day. However, Brisbane weather is still warmer than its average months, with temperatures ranging from 27 degC in January to a balmy 20degC in August. The driest month is October, with temperatures averaging only 28 degC. It is important to note, however, that there are exceptions to every rule, and this is true even if you’re a Brisbane local.

Brisbane’s climate profile is based on data from the closest available data sources, and it’s not always accurate. A few days of rain can be extreme, resulting in flash flooding and damaging winds. Large hail may also fall during heavy rains. A wet day is defined as any day with at least 0.04 inches of rain, but if it falls more than 0.04 inches, it will be considered a dry day.

In general, Brisbane has a mild climate, so visitors should feel comfortable regardless of the time of year. The warmest months are late September to early April. However, October is more rainy and cool, with temperatures remaining comfortably pleasant throughout the month. Summer in Brisbane is generally hot, muggy, and humid, making it ideal for swimming and sunbathing. However, cyclones and severe thunderstorms can approach Brisbane during this season.

Summers in Brisbane are very hot and sunny, with high temperatures averaging around 30degC. The winters are cool, and are pleasant, although rain falls less than half the time. A typical year in Brisbane features 96 millimetres of rain and eight hours of sunshine. The temperatures are moderate throughout, so that visitors can enjoy the city without feeling overwhelmed. For a day of fun in the sun, Brisbane offers plenty of opportunities for activities indoors. Museums, art galleries, and other indoor attractions offer a cool respite from the heat.

Winters in Brisbane can be cool and comfortable, although the coldest day in January 2022 will be below that. The city’s weather patterns are sub-tropical. In winter, temperatures will be comfortable, with temperatures ranging between 28degC and 83degF. During the hotter months, temperatures can reach up to 40degC. This temperature is more than a century warmer than the coldest day in Auckland in January 2022.

Brisbane has a subtropical climate. Summers are hot, but the weather is tempered by a cooler water temperature for 24 months, June 18-August 30. It rarely goes below 42degF, and it rarely goes above 89degF. If you’re planning to visit Brisbane, the best time to visit is late September to late April. Winters are mild, with temperatures ranging from eleven to twenty-one degrees Fahrenheit.

In January, the average minimum temperature in Brisbane is 20.8 degrees Celsius, and the maximum temperature can be as high as 69degF. However, if you’re planning a big event in Brisbane, check the weather conditions – you’ll want to be prepared. In addition to the temperature, you’ll want to check the wind, sea and flood forecasts from the bureau of meteorology. In case of severe weather, the city’s climate is often very unpredictable.