brisbane houses for sale

Brisbane, a city in southern California, has 3,126 people and 1,739 households. The average temperature is 46 degrees in the winter and 35.6 inches of rain in March. The median age is 38 years and the majority of residents are home owners, single and with a post-secondary degree. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the median price of a house in Brisbane is $470,000. The asking price of a house in Brisbane rose by 2.4 per cent in December, but the median price of a home increased by 0.9 per cent.

There are several different ways to sell your house, and a few tips can help you decide which method is best for your situation. The Australian Competitor and Consumer Commission sets strict rules regarding pricing practices. This includes misleading, deceptive or inaccurate pricing, setting price ranges, and underquoting. The purpose of this type of marketing is to attract interest and drive up the price of a home. To find out more about how real estate agents can avoid these common problems, visit the MLSListings website.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has issued guidelines for real estate agents. These rules prohibit misleading and deceptive pricing. An agent cannot under-quote a property by more than 20%. This tactic is often referred to as “bait pricing” and is designed to attract attention. The ACCC also requires real estate agents to disclose the actual cost of a house. However, it is still necessary to check the selling price of a house before you decide to make an offer.

If you’re serious about purchasing a home, you should ensure that the listing is accurate. You should be careful not to use misleading pricing practices. It is illegal for an agent to misrepresent a property’s price. It is also illegal for an agent to rely on a price range to attract potential buyers. The listing must be updated after the seller receives a written offer. Moreover, a seller must keep the best and final offer in writing.